Maintenance Tips2024-12-18T15:52:55+00:00
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Maintenance Tips

Looking after your appliances is key to avoiding breakdowns. Here are all our best tips and tricks to keep your appliances in working order.

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Maintenance Tips

Looking after your appliances is key to avoiding breakdowns. Here are all our best tips and tricks to keep your appliances in working order.

Common Fridge Freezer Faults and How to Fix Them

Fridge Freezers are essential in most people’s kitchens, so when they go wrong it can be frustrating. We’ve put together a list of some of the most common fridge freezer faults and what you can do to resolve them.

5 Tell Tale Signs Your Oven Needs Replacing

While reusing and repairing your appliances is always the ultimate goal, there comes the point where your oven needs replacing. Our handy guide outlines five of the main signs your oven may need replacing.

How to Keep your Washing Machine Well Maintained

Giving your washing machine a little bit of TLC every now and again will go a long way to prevent a breakdown. Check out our top tips for keeping your washing machine well maintained.

How to Keep Your Dishwasher Well Maintained

You use your dishwasher every day, so it’s important you keep it well maintained and in good shape so it has a long life, and performs well for as long as possible.

How to Keep Your Cooker Well Maintained

How to Keep Your Cooker Well Maintained POSTED ON Your Cooker/Oven is one of the most used appliances in your home, which is why keeping it maintained, clean, and [...]

How to Keep Your Fridge Well Maintained

Here are our tips to keep your fridge clean and well maintained to ensure it doesn’t break down and lasts as long as it can before needing to be replaced.

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